Bank Instrument Monetization is a low cost, low-risk method of trade finance that monetizes inactive financial instruments by converting them into cash or cash equivalent by liquidating the instruments.

We offer monetisation of Bank Instruments from top-rated banks. 
LTV normally 70 to 80%. Standard Swift B to B procedure MT760. 


What is Monetization?

Monetization is, broadly speaking, the process of converting something into money. The term has a broad range of uses. In banking, the term refers to the process of converting or establishing something into legal tender. The action or process of earning revenue from an asset, business, etc.


Bank Guarantee Monetization


Monetizing a bank guarantee means raising finance or a credit line against it. If you have Bank Guarantee (BG), you will be able to monetize it. For bank guarantee monetization and to raise finance against it, it’s paramount that the bank guarantee has been specifically formulated for the purpose of raising finance.


Monetizing Bank Guarantee liquidates the bank guarantee and uses them as reinforcement for cash. Almost any bank guarantee all over the world can be used to fund a project and it can be a leased or owned Bank guarantee which must be from Top rated banks.


Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) Monetization


In order to monetize a financial instrument such as an SBLC (Standby Letter of Credit), it must already have been recently issued or is about to be issued. If the issuing bank is top rated, the more interest it will have from the monetizer and the client must have all the required documentation to perform the corresponding verifications. All instruments (SBLC/BG) must be unencumbered and ready to be transferred or ready to be issued to the monetizer directly.


Clients must present a recent RWA (Ready, Willing & Able Letter) from the issuing bank or a contract with their instrument provider in order to show their capacity to issue an instrument. 


Monetizers do not request any upfront costs to monetize your instrument. Your SBLC is transmitted via SWIFT code MT799/MT760 (bank to bank) and in return, a percentage of the face value of the instrument known as the LTV (Loan To Value) is monetized which we give 80%. The funds are transferred to the bank coordinates indicated by the client via MT103 or a paymaster can be requested to demonstrate the operation’s transparency.



Bitcoin (BTC) Monetization


A cryptocurrency, a virtual currency  designed to act as money and a form of payment outside the control of any one person, group or entity and thus removing the need for third party involvement in financial transactions.



Bitcoin has existed since 2009 and the technology it is built on has roots going back even further. In fact if you had invested just £1,000 in Bitcoin the year it was first publicly available, you would now be richer to the tune of £36.7 million. 


They said those  who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.


Although Bitcoin was the first established cryptocurrency, there had been previous attempts at creating online currencies with ledgers secured by encryption. Two examples of these were B-Money and Bit Gold, which were formulated but never fully developed.


Due to taxation imposed by the world central banks, most cryptocurrency holders finds it very challenging when converting their bitcoin to fiat through exchanges OTC (Over the counter) as so many documentations are requested in order to establish the source by the Cryptocurrency and anti-money laundering enforcement . Through the monetization programe, we take the burdens away from our clients.


Clients that wish to convert/monetise their Bitcoin to fiat currency must be able to present their wallet address confirming availabilty of coins to the amount of fiat requested. The FTV (Fiat to Value) we give is 95%. After our due diligence , we provide our bitcoin wallet address for the transfer of the cryptocurrency fiat value requested and upon full confirmation by the blockchain network, the 95% (FTV) funds are transferred to the bank coordinates indicated by the client via MT103, which is confirmable within 24hours.


To consider an application for Monetization, fill out the  form and send it to us by email ,or contact our experts